Idaho Woman’s Terrifying Encounter with Dogman

Angela, a 47-year-old female from Idaho Falls, Idaho, recently shared her encounter with a mysterious creature known as the Dogman. Growing up in Idaho, Angela developed a deep love for animals, particularly wolves. It was during her teenage years, around 1986 or 1987, that she had the chilling experience.

Accompanied by her friends, L. and B., Angela decided to explore the local cemetery one night in search of the legendary “knocking grave” and “Werewolf grave.” Although they found the knocking grave to be nothing more than a loose board, the werewolf grave remained elusive. They eventually regrouped near their car, where L. and B. sought some alone time, leaving Angela to wander the cemetery alone.

Under the glow of the full moon, Angela strolled among the tombstones, contemplating the forgotten lives laid to rest. Suddenly, strange sounds captured her attention from her left. Intrigued, she followed the noise, but something felt off. The usually lively sounds of cars, dogs, and insects had disappeared, casting an eerie silence over the cemetery.

As Angela approached, a large, black silhouette materialized about 25 feet away. Fueled by curiosity, she cautiously approached the creature, fascinated by the monstrous resemblance to a wolf. The creature’s massive limbs and torso, paired with its furry tail, seemed to align with her initial assumption that it could be an escaped wolf from the nearby zoo. However, she quickly dismissed this notion as the zoo hadn’t housed wolves in years.

Engrossed in observing the creature’s feast, Angela unknowingly betrayed her presence, causing the creature to freeze. In a moment of terror, she realized this was no ordinary wolf but a creature beyond comprehension. Its muscular frame, covered in fur, indicated power far beyond a typical wolf or any known animal. Intensely glowing orange-gold eyes locked with Angela’s gaze, sending a chilling shiver down her spine.

Her fear intensified as the creature opened its mouth to reveal large, sharp, yellowish-white teeth, seemingly smiling at her. It continued to devour its meal, crunching bones and ripping flesh with each bite. The elongated paws ended with enormous, black claws gripping the creature’s prey. Immobilized by fear, Angela watched in horror, feeling as though the creature could see into her soul.

The terror overwhelmed her, and with all her strength, she fled back to the car, begging her friends to leave immediately. Upon reaching safety, Angela recounted her harrowing encounter, but her friends dismissed it as a figment of her imagination. Though hurt by their disbelief, she came to terms with the fact that she had witnessed a true creature of legends—a werewolf, or what some call a Dogman.

Since that night, Angela vowed never to return to the cemetery, haunted by the memory of the dogman’s piercing eyes and gruesome smile. Her encounter serves as a reminder that the mysteries of the supernatural world sometimes find their way into our lives, leaving lasting impressions on those courageous enough to come face-to-face with the unknown.